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In Conversation: Victoria Judge SJB Q&A

May 16, 2024

In this exclusive Q&A with Victoria Judge, Senior Associate, Interior Design of SJB, we explore the design philosophy and innovative approach shaping her distinguished projects.

We will also delve into the narrative of Ashbury Terraces, an award-winning architectural project, as Judge’s unveils the inspiration and meticulous craftsmanship behind this residential masterpiece, highlighting the intersection of design brilliance and contemporary living.

Congratulations on the well-deserved recognition Ashbury Terraces received at the World Architectural Festival 2022. Could you shed some light on the inspiration behind this remarkable design, and how did you translate this inspiration into such an innovative mixed-use development?

Ashbury Terraces seeks to provide a living environment of high amenity and a considered response to locality. Featuring an array of homes designed to appeal to a broad market base, the architectural style draws from and complements the local Federation housing genre, bringing a contemporary mood to materials and detailing.

With an impressive track record of more than two decades delivering diverse and complex interior environments, what are the fundamental principles or approaches that consistently guide your design process?

Design always starts with understanding the project aims and vision and building an interior proposal that responds to and complements the architecture. It is important that the interior sits comfortably in the building and does not contradict its aims. Following that, we explore the location, potential users and any aspirations the client has to come up with a response in the design that seeks to bring a sense of joy to the project while meeting client criteria.

How has your interdisciplinary background shaped your approach to design and collaboration with professionals across diverse disciplines? We’d love to hear about your experience collaborating with Coronation.

No one works alone in design; there are many parties that ideally work together to bring a building or interior to life. At best, this is achieved with a common goal of achieving the best from the considerations and constraints. In interiors, we work closely with the architect to realise a common goal for the project, discuss decisions, and seek solutions to bring out the best in any situation. We work likewise with services designers, lighting consultants, suppliers and contractors. Coronation is an involved client; discussions at the design stage are iterative and broad. They add experience, expertise and vision to projects that reflect their goal of delivering unique and liveable developments.

Your expertise in materiality, colour application, and textile selection is widely recognised as a distinguishing feature of your work. Could you delve deeper into how these elements have been instrumental in achieving sophisticated and functional design outcomes and how they were applied to your work at Ashbury Terraces?

Exploration of materiality is key to every design. Finishes that ideally reflect the design vision are chosen and are fundamental in their role in bringing a design to life. At Ashbury, marbles and veneers were selected to support the key idea of connection to the garden that surrounds. Calcutta Viola was chosen to reflect the tones of flowering plants, and Carrara was selected to reflect the grey bark of Australian paperbark trees. Polyurethane in complimentary tones serves as a support role to these stones, adding complexity and depth to the finishes schemes.

As an experienced interior designer with a keen eye for detail, what are the essential aspects of interior design truly elevate a space and create a welcoming atmosphere?

To make a unique and successful project takes care and time. Consideration of all details is important so that the design brings out the best of the opportunities provided. For example, at Ashbury Terraces, we consciously chose to use the marble mosaic tiles in a small square format to bring a sense of joy in the unexpected while suggesting a scattering of flowers in a garden bed. The energy created by the application of the tiles is uplifting, enhancing the user experience.

In partnership with SJB, the realisation of Ashbury Terraces marks a testament to our shared commitment to design excellence. Bringing this residential project to life is a collaborative journey, blending innovative visions and craftsmanship.