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In Conversation: Adam Haddow SJB Q&A

July 23, 2024

In this exclusive Q+A with Adam Haddow, Director of SJB, we delve into the underlying design philosophies that have shaped his globally celebrated creations.

Haddow’s design philosophy and the distinctive elements that distinguish his projects – such as The Foundry and Ashbury Terraces – are illuminated through his dedication to design excellence. The meticulous attention to detail, utilisation of durable materials, and commitment to timeless design principles have garnered high praise.

With a focus on capturing the authenticity of place, Haddow believes in leaving lasting positive impacts through the seamless integration of his creations within urban landscapes.

Discover from Adam himself what drives his design, and how he elevates his creations to a league of their own.

Adam, your work and architectural talent has garnered accolades on a global scale. Can you share with us your underlying design philosophy that has helped to shape these creations, and how it has contributed to their success?

In our work, we’re interested in capturing the authenticity of place. We always look for the things that make a place unique, and what it is that people love about it.

We believe that we should always leave a place better than when we found it, with that philosophy not limited to the boundaries of the site, but to the entire neighbourhood. The places we create should be joyful, engaging, charming and a reflection of the things people love about its place.

The Foundry and Ashbury Terraces have been celebrated for their design excellence. Could you discuss the key elements and principles that you believe have set these projects apart and earned success both nationally and internationally?

The success of these two projects comes down to the true dedication of Coronation and SJB to create a lasting contribution to the urban fabric. We used high-quality materials and invested in a large amount of detailing and craftsmanship. The design success comes down to their timelessness and longevity.

Your work with Coronation Property has been commended for not only the project’s design excellence but also for their integration into their respective urban contexts. How do you prefer to approach project integration, and what considerations do you have when designing these developments?

When designing a project, we always consider the contextual background of the site, the demographics of the area, and the current housing climate in NSW. Then, we ask ourselves, what does this place need? The work that we do with Coronation such as The Foundry and Ashbury Terraces are successful because they fill a gap, they’re purposeful not only in their design but in their typologies and economic proposition.

With a growing emphasis on ‘green living’ and environmental responsibility across the industry, could you share how these factors have influenced your approach to the design outcomes of Ashbury Terraces?

Our approach to Ashbury Terraces was to ensure we implemented as many green initiatives as possible, including aiming to achieve a 5-star green star rating. As well as sustainable building practices, ‘green living’ has been taken literally, with extensive greenery and landscaping used wherever possible. Communal gardens and generous private gardens will contribute to the urban cooling effect, invite native flora and fauna back into our suburbs, and provide a generous green edge to the streetscape.

Collaboration is crucial to the success of any project. Could you elaborate on the partnership between SJB and Coronation Property, and the impact this collaborative process on The Foundry, and Ashbury Terraces projects has made on you?

A great relationship built on mutual respect forms the foundation of our collaborative partnership, and from good foundations come good projects. We have a long history with Coronation, and each project we’ve collaborated on together has been a joy to bring to life. They truly want to create the best possible outcome on each project they deliver.

Our collaboration with SJB has been a remarkable journey of creativity and shared dedication to excellence. Through this partnership, we have witnessed the unique and authentic spaces that resonate with people and the surrounding environment.